Telegram scraper, also called a parser or a grabber, is a software that helps you to speed up the process of collecting Telegram data such as usernames, members, subscribers, followers, together with group and channel messages. Most of them are used for marketing needs and can be applied to your campaigns, as long as Telegram itself doesn't share this information. This proccess called Telegram scraping.
To start scraping any data you will need to have Telegram groups list. As long as build-in Telegram search, returns only few results, It is usually hard to find good groups for scraping. Nevertheless, you can search Telegram groups in the directory or use Telegram search engine to find groups based on your interest, country, or language.
Telegram groups scraper is a common marketing tool that is used to get a list of memebers aka usernames. Generally, this data is scraped from competitors' groups because members share the same interests and can potentially be interested in your products and services. Two types of groups can be used to scrape Telegram group members and typically they parsed from public groups and, in some cases, exported from private groups. It have no any difference with Telegram member scraper and using the same technology and motive for scraping Telegram group members with Python and Telethon.
The main reason we started this research is because there is a huge demand for high-quality Telegram marketing services, and while working in Telegram for seven years, I still hastle to find honest and dedicated service providers. Most of these services are scams and are provided by schoolboys who don't deliver any value and the only reason they chase is to get quick money. The circumstances of this are a waste of your marketing budget and banned groups and channels.
All in one Scraper and Search Engine.
This is the most advanced Telegram scraper and marketing tool available on the market. This is a Telegram search engine with a database of over 145,820,817 targeted members, 2,267,357 channels, and 1,318,372 groups. You can type keywords and a language to find a list of groups, then you can choose the groups to be scraped, and get the lists of members. Members can be saved in your file manager and downloaded as an Excel file. Interesting that you can also collect admins of the groups and channels to send them your offers.
It seems like an aggregation of few marketing features for Telegram, that lets you do everything in the same software. This is a web-based app that doesn't need to be downloaded and can be used on any device. The best thing we discovered is that you can find all groups and channels that exist on Telegram and scrape them in the same tool.
Free trial.
No proxy needed.
Works with any device.
No download needed.
No need to be a member of the groups.
Can target members on 3+ interests combined.
Can filter groups that accept messages, pools, pin messages etc.
Export members who joined lately so the intent of the member is hot.
Access to datbase of over 4 million of groups and channels, filtered by interests and languages.
Some mentioned features not yet available.
Pay per records. 0.01 per highly targeted memeber. 0.10 per targeterd group/channel record.
The main problem with most scrapers is that people don't have a list of groups to feed the scraper and to find those, they either have to search for them in the web, which can be time-consuming and hard to find, or they can use Telegram's search engine, which gives you the ability to find groups based on your search query and chosen language.
The best part is that you can scrape members from the list instantly by selecting which ones you need to be parsed. There is no proxy or Telegram phone number needed for this as long as the search engine does its own parsing. The results can be saved in a form of Excel file, like CSV, or kept in your file manager on the website, so you can have quick and easy access for further actions.
Apify Telegram Scraper
This scraper page is looks most legit from the rest of parsers we have discoverd. This Telegram scraper lets you extract and search in your personal chat history. Backup your own chat history and find messages in your chat history with specific keywords.
This Telegram scraping tool seems to be used only for purpuses for monitoring particular list of chts that you are in and monitor what is heppening in those groups basesed on mentioned keywords. This software can be usefull if you want to engage with the memebers who is starting the topic that matches your niche search terms and for research purposes, but is limited by the number of personal chat history you are in.
Find messages in your chat history with specific keywords.
Analyse trends and patterns.
Work only with the groups you are in.
Need your Telegram account to be conected to the scarper.
Need proxies.
Free trial for 3 days, then $30 / month.
The main reason of Telegram scraping software is used to collect members from your niche competitor groups and invite them to your community for further interaction. You can use it to send them your offers, either directly or through a secret message. Both of these strategies can be called spamming methods and won't work in the long run. They can only be used for either scam products or for initial strategy to get some attention or to test your product and see a feedback on your marketing hypothesis.
There are only two reasons it can be used: when the member is targeted so well that they are highly interested in your product or service, and this can be discovered when the targeting is done with a high level of precision. The only way to do this in Telegram, we found, is with, which provides a tool that can find crosslinked interests of the members. Basically, it collects all of the members' interests and builds an interest profile so if you're looking for someone who is interested in NFTs. You can find those users who are active members of more than three groups, with the same interests, so the targeting can be based on combined interests like: NFT, London, Gaming, and so on.
A lot of fake statements. Either this guys is a big liars or they simply doesn't understand a basic concept of Telegram technology or trying to rank in Google for any keyword possible.
False statements:
The application helps you view all the channel & group members of Telegram. Moreover, it has a search function that lets you find things easily.
Comment: Some Telegram scraper providers claim that their software is AI-based, which I personally would not believe, as long as there is no reason to use this kind of sophisticated technology for tasks that can be done with a simple python script that is published on GitHub.
There are many different Telegram scrapers available on GitHub. To use them, you will need to know Python and how to host and run scripts. The Python libraries update quite often, so you would need to check if your version is up to date and the script does comply with the latest version. GitHub is a good resource for finding free versions of these scripts, but you either need to have these skills or plan to hire a developer to set these scripts up and maintain them.
Can fetch all information about telegram group and channel members.
Comment: False statment, because there is no way to scrape more than 200 channel members. There is some advansed Telegram scraper tool on the market that can collect memebrs from channel comments, but this is not the one which does.
You can add upto 9000 members to your group per day using our telegram scraper software.
Comment: Yes, this can be done, but only one time. When you add 9K members a day to any of the groups, it will get shadowbanned the same day. After this you will not be able to invite new members any longer. and in some cases the group can be banned permanently. The only safe way to invite new members to your group is little by littlr to make it look organic. So, this statement I will consider false and dangerous.
Have chat support, (I didn't get an answer).
Free trial.
Adds members based on usernames rather than id.
Need to be downloaded and installed on PC, you won't be able to use it on your mobile, Linux, or Mac OS.
Fake clients testimonials.
Can be seen only after download.
—— - Telegram Group Scraper
False statments:
Along with that, you don't have to worry that you're breaking Telegram's terms and conditions by using Telegram group scraper. The primary reason is that Telegram group scraper complies with Telegram's terms of service, as it relies upon Telegram's API to scrape members.
Import 8000 members per day.
Add members to your channel or group.
Have chat support.
There are five filter options available for you to choose from, and they include - active-last week, active-last month, online, active recently, was online not earlier.
Work only if you a member of the group.
Work only with public groups.
Need to be installed on Windows PC and runed as Administrator.
Need to connect it to your mobile number and autorise with Telegram code to run.
You have to do manual work, to separate each username by a comma.
Fake testimonials.
Can be seen only after download.
The main issue with available Telegram scrapers on the market is that most of them need to be downloaded to your PC, which can cause malware infection and damage your computer. Another downside is that it needs to be connected to your mobile number and authorized with a Telegram code, which can lead to the loss or ban of your Telegram account. So using a web-based version would be a better idea.
To use most of the available parsing software, you'll need to have some technical skills to set it up and feed it with the necessary data to start working correctly. You won't be able to use it on your mobile, Linux, or Mac OS, compared to a web-based scraper like Teleteg.
False statments:
Finding Telegram groups is pretty easy using Telegram search, you can easily get good search result with search engines like Google, because all Telegram groups and channels are indexed.
Comment: Most of Telegram groups and channels are never indexed by search engines. It will take ages for you to research Google for targeted groups based on your keywords. Read more on how to find Telegram groups and channels.
When closing the software for any reason, the work is never lost, you can start again by restoring the last activity. Silverdor can backup all your activities.
Need to be installed on PC, you won't be able to use it on your mobile, Linux, or Mac OS.
$29.95 - $85.95
Although these guys are trying to make a Telegram marketing a better place, comparing to other providers who simply sell junk lists of members, this ones is aiming to make marketing better by targeting the audience. All the mentioned providers agree that it won't be of any use if you have a list of inactive users on Telegram. There is a higher chance of engagement and return on Investment if you will chase the active members for your group.
False statments:
You can add members to channels and groups using telegram auto.
Free trial.
Works only with public groups.
Need to be installed on PC, you won't be able to use it on your mobile, Linux, or Mac OS.
$30.00 – $150.00
The general utility of this Telegram marketing software is to import previously collected members to your own groups. In another words this poccess called adding Telegram members and widely spread for intentions to increase the number of members / users of your chat. Considering this, there are few alternatives available to add Telegram members, either through: Telegram adder bot, downloadable member adder, or a convenient web application.
Viking Telegram Tool
No website, no support.
Chat: @viking_telegram_tool deleted.
Another support chat have only 36 memebrs. Doen’t respond to customer questions.
Viking Telegram Tool is an all-in-one Telegram marketing software. You can export members from a competing Telegram group and add them to your own group or send mass messages to members of any group. You can also export the usernames of Telegram group members to a text file with our tool. The software can also create channels and increase the number of members quickly and efficiently. This is a secure Telegram TOS because we use the Telegram API. Exporting your competitors’ most active group members is the best way to grow your group.
Viking Telegram Tool Cracked is a telegram marketing software with everything you need. You can export members from a competitor’s Telegram group and add them to your own group or send mass messages to all group members. With our tool, you can also export the usernames of Telegram group members to a text file.
Fake testimonials.
Fake address.
Have chat support.
Fake testimonials.
Fake address.
You should be aware that your results might contain personal data. Personal data is protected by GDPR in the European Union and other laws and regulations around the world. You should not scrape personal data unless you have a legitimate reason to do so. If you're unsure whether your reason is legitimate, consult your lawyers. You can read the basics of ethical web scraping in blog post on the legality of web scraping.
Additional topics to write more on the subject:
telegram adder bot
telegram channel scraper
telegram channel scraper python
scrape telegram channel